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Access Modifier

Access Modifier

Access modifiers are keywords that determine the accessibility of members (variables and methods) of a class. They control how and where the members of a class can be accessed from within the code. There are three primary access modifiers in C++:

  1. public

2. private

3. protected

1. ‘public’ Access Modifier


  • Members declared as public are accessible from anywhere in the program. This means they can be accessed by any other class, function, or piece of code outside the class.

Use Case:

  • Use public for methods or data members that should be accessible to the outside world, like an interface.


class MyClass {
    int publicVar;

    void publicMethod() {
        cout << "Public Method" << endl;

int main() {
    MyClass obj;
    obj.publicVar = 5;  // Accessible
    obj.publicMethod(); // Accessible
    return 0;

  • In this example, publicVar and publicMethod are accessible directly through the obj object.

2. ‘private’ Access Modifier


  • Members declared as private can only be accessed within the class itself. They cannot be accessed or modified from outside the class.

Use Case:

  • Use private for data members or methods that should not be exposed outside the class, to enforce encapsulation and protect the integrity of the data.


class MyClass {
    int privateVar;

    void privateMethod() {
        cout << "Private Method" << endl;

    void setPrivateVar(int val) {
        privateVar = val;

    int getPrivateVar() {
        return privateVar;

int main() {
    MyClass obj;
    // obj.privateVar = 5;       // Not accessible
    // obj.privateMethod();      // Not accessible

    obj.setPrivateVar(10);       // Accessible
    cout << obj.getPrivateVar(); // Accessible
    return 0;

  • In this example, privateVar and privateMethod cannot be accessed directly from outside the class. However, the class provides public methods setPrivateVar and getPrivateVar to access and modify the private member.

3. ‘protected’ Access Modifier


  • Members declared as protected can be accessed within the class itself and by derived classes (classes that inherit from this class). However, they cannot be accessed from outside the class hierarchy.

Use Case:

  • Use protected for data members or methods that should be hidden from outside classes but still accessible to derived classes.


class BaseClass {
    int protectedVar;

    void setProtectedVar(int val) {
        protectedVar = val;

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {
    void showProtectedVar() {
        cout << "Protected Variable: " << protectedVar << endl;

int main() {
    DerivedClass obj;
    obj.setProtectedVar(20); // Accessible
    obj.showProtectedVar();  // Accessible
    // obj.protectedVar = 30; // Not accessible directly
    return 0;

  • In this example, protectedVar is accessible within DerivedClass (because it’s derived from BaseClass), but not directly from the main function or any outside code.

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