Access Specifiers

Access Specifiers

Access specifiers in C++ are keywords used to define the accessibility of class members (data members and member functions) from outside the class. There are three access specifiers in C++:

  1. Public: Members declared as public are accessible from outside the class. They can be accessed by objects of the class and by functions outside the class. Public members form the interface to the class.
  2. Private: Members declared as private are accessible only within the class. They cannot be accessed directly by objects of the class or by functions outside the class. Private members are used to hide the internal implementation details of the class.
  3. Protected: Members declared as protected are similar to private members but with an additional accessibility in derived classes. Protected members are accessible within the class and by derived classes. They are useful for implementing inheritance and defining base class functionalities that derived classes can access.

Here’s how access specifiers are used in a class definition:

class MyClass {
    // Public members
    int publicVar;
    void publicMethod();

    // Private members
    int privateVar;
    void privateMethod();

    // Protected members
    int protectedVar;
    void protectedMethod();

In this example:

  • publicVar, publicMethod(), privateVar, privateMethod(), protectedVar, and protectedMethod() are members of the class MyClass.
  • publicVar and publicMethod() are accessible from anywhere.
  • privateVar and privateMethod() are accessible only within the class MyClass.
  • protectedVar and protectedMethod() are accessible within the class MyClass and its derived classes.

Access specifiers help in enforcing encapsulation and defining the visibility of class members, which is essential for designing modular, maintainable, and secure code in C++.

 We demonstrate the differences between public and private members:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyClass {
  public:    // Public access specifier
    int x;   // Public attribute
  private:   // Private access specifier
    int y;   // Private attribute

int main() {
  MyClass myVar;
  myVar.x = 25;  // Allowed (x is public)
  myVar.y = 50;  // Not allowed (y is private)
  return 0;


prog.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
prog.cpp:14:9: error: ‘int MyClass::y’ is private within this context
   14 |   myVar.y = 50;  // Not allowed (y is private)
      |         ^
prog.cpp:8:9: note: declared private here
    8 |     int y;   // Private attribute
      |         ^

If you try to access a private member, an error occurs.

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