Type of Constructors

Types of Constructors:

  1. Default Constructor
  2. Parameterized Constructor
  3. Copy Constructor
  4. Deep Copy Constructor

Default Constructor

A default constructor is a special type of constructor in a class that is automatically called when an object of that class is created, and it doesn’t require any arguments.

For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Gamer {
    string username;
    int level;
    int score;

    // Default Constructor
    Gamer() {
        username = "Guest";  // Initialize username with "Guest"
        level = 1;           // Initialize level with 1
        score = 0;           // Initialize score with 0

    // Method to display gamer details
    void displayDetails() {
        cout << "Username: " << username << endl;
        cout << "Level: " << level << endl;
        cout << "Score: " << score << endl;

int main() {
    // Create an object of the Gamer class
    Gamer gamer1;

    // Display details of gamer1

    return 0;


Username: Guest
Level: 1
Score: 0

  • The default constructor is called when a new Gamer object is created without any arguments.
  • It initializes the object’s attributes (username, level, score) with default values.

Parameterized Constructor

A parameterized constructor in C++ is a special type of constructor that allows you to pass arguments when creating an object.

For Example: “Designing Your Own Pizza”

Imagine you walk into a pizza shop. You have the option to order a “default” pizza, which might be a plain cheese pizza with a standard crust and a fixed size. But what if you want to customize your pizza? You might want extra cheese, a specific size, or a different type of crust. This is where the concept of a parameterized constructor comes into play.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Pizza {
    string crustType;
    string size;
    int cheeseAmount;

    // Parameterized Constructor
    Pizza(string cType, string pSize, int cheese) {
        crustType = cType;
        size = pSize;
        cheeseAmount = cheese;

    void displayDetails() {
        cout << "Crust Type: " << crustType << endl;
        cout << "Size: " << size << endl;
        cout << "Cheese Amount: " << cheeseAmount << " grams" << endl;

int main() {
    // Creating a custom pizza
    Pizza pizza1("Thin", "Large", 200);  // Thin crust, Large size, 200 grams of cheese
    Pizza pizza2("Thick", "Medium", 150); // Thick crust, Medium size, 150 grams of cheese

    // Display details of the pizzas
    cout << "Pizza 1 Details:" << endl;

    cout << "Pizza 2 Details:" << endl;

    return 0;


Pizza 1 Details:
Crust Type: Thin
Size: Large
Cheese Amount: 200 grams

Pizza 2 Details:
Crust Type: Thick
Size: Medium
Cheese Amount: 150 grams

Step 1: Define the Parameterized Constructor

The parameterized constructor allows us to create a Pizza object with specific values for crustType, size, and cheeseAmount.

    // Parameterized Constructor
    Pizza(string cType, string pSize, int cheese) {
        crustType = cType;   // Initialize crustType with the value of cType
        size = pSize;        // Initialize size with the value of pSize
        cheeseAmount = cheese; // Initialize cheeseAmount with the value of cheese


  • Pizza(string cType, string pSize, int cheese) { ... } is a constructor that takes three parameters:
    • cType: The type of crust (e.g., “Thin”, “Thick”).
    • pSize: The size of the pizza (e.g., “Small”, “Medium”, “Large”).
    • cheese: The amount of cheese in grams.
  • Inside the constructor:
    • crustType is initialized with cType.
    • size is initialized with pSize.
    • cheeseAmount is initialized with cheese.
  • This allows us to create a pizza with specific characteristics.

Step 2: Create Objects Using the Parameterized Constructor

In the main() function, we create two pizza objects using the parameterized constructor and then display their details.

int main() {
    // Creating a custom pizza
    Pizza pizza1("Thin", "Large", 200);  // Thin crust, Large size, 200 grams of cheese
    Pizza pizza2("Thick", "Medium", 150); // Thick crust, Medium size, 150 grams of cheese

    // Display details of the pizzas
    cout << "Pizza 1 Details:" << endl;

    cout << "Pizza 2 Details:" << endl;

    return 0;


  • Pizza pizza1("Thin", "Large", 200); creates a Pizza object named pizza1 with:
    • crustType = "Thin"
    • size = "Large"
    • cheeseAmount = 200 grams
  • Pizza pizza2("Thick", "Medium", 150); creates another Pizza object named pizza2 with:
    • crustType = "Thick"
    • size = "Medium"
    • cheeseAmount = 150 grams
  • pizza1.displayDetails(); and pizza2.displayDetails(); are called to display the details of each pizza.

In this example, the Pizza class uses a parameterized constructor to initialize the crustType, size, and cheeseAmount of each pizza when the objects are created..

Copy Constructor

A copy constructor in C++ is a special type of constructor used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object. This is particularly useful when you want to create a duplicate of an object, ensuring that all its attributes are copied accurately.

Scenario: Copying a Drawing

Imagine you have a drawing on a piece of paper, and you want to make an exact copy of it. In programming terms, the drawing can be thought of as an object with certain properties like color, size, and shape. A copy constructor in C++ can be used to create an exact duplicate of this drawing.

For example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Drawing {
    string color;
    string size;
    string shape;

    // Parameterized Constructor
    Drawing(string c, string s, string sh) {
        color = c;
        size = s;
        shape = sh;

    // Copy Constructor
    Drawing(const Drawing &originalDrawing) {
        color = originalDrawing.color;
        size = originalDrawing.size;
        shape = originalDrawing.shape;
        cout << "Copy Constructor: A copy of the drawing has been created!" << endl;

    // Method to display drawing details
    void displayDetails() {
        cout << "Drawing Details:" << endl;
        cout << "Color: " << color << endl;
        cout << "Size: " << size << endl;
        cout << "Shape: " << shape << endl;

int main() {
    // Create an original drawing object
    Drawing drawing1("Red", "A4", "Circle");

    // Display details of the original drawing

    // Create a copy of the original drawing using the copy constructor
    Drawing drawing2 = drawing1;

    // Display details of the copied drawing

    return 0;


Drawing Details:
Color: Red
Size: A4
Shape: Circle
Copy Constructor: A copy of the drawing has been created!
Drawing Details:
Color: Red
Size: A4
Shape: Circle


Step 1: Define the Copy Constructor

    // Copy Constructor
    Drawing(const Drawing &originalDrawing) {
        color = originalDrawing.color;
        size = originalDrawing.size;
        shape = originalDrawing.shape;
        cout << "Copy Constructor: A copy of the drawing has been created!" << endl;


  • Purpose:
    • A copy constructor creates a new object as a copy of an existing object. It takes a reference to another Drawing object and duplicates its attributes.
  • Copying Process:
    • color = originalDrawing.color;, size = originalDrawing.size;, and shape = originalDrawing.shape; copy the values of the color, size, and shape attributes from the original object (originalDrawing) to the new object.
  • Message:
    • cout << "Copy Constructor: A copy of the drawing has been created!" << endl; prints a message to the console whenever the copy constructor is called, indicating that a new copy has been created.

Step 2: Main Function

int main() {
    // Create an original drawing object
    Drawing drawing1("Red", "A4", "Circle");

    // Display details of the original drawing

    // Create a copy of the original drawing using the copy constructor
    Drawing drawing2 = drawing1;

    // Display details of the copied drawing

    return 0;


  • Creating the Original Object:
    • Drawing drawing1("Red", "A4", "Circle"); creates an object named drawing1 using the parameterized constructor. The drawing has a color of “Red”, size “A4”, and shape “Circle”.
  • Displaying the Original Drawing’s Details:
    • drawing1.displayDetails(); calls the displayDetails() method on drawing1 to print its attributes.
  • Creating a Copy of the Original Object:
    • Drawing drawing2 = drawing1; creates a new object drawing2 as a copy of drawing1 using the copy constructor. This line triggers the copy constructor, and you see the message “Copy Constructor: A copy of the drawing has been created!” printed to the console.
  • Displaying the Copied Drawing’s Details:
    • drawing2.displayDetails(); calls the displayDetails() method on drawing2 to print its attributes, which are identical to drawing1.

Deep Copy Constructor

A deep copy constructor is a special type of constructor used to create a new object as a copy of an existing object. However, unlike a shallow copy like above example , which copies the values of the data members, a deep copy duplicates everything, including any dynamically allocated memory. This ensures that the copied object has its own separate copy of resources .

Why is Deep Copy Important?

Deep copy is important when your class involves dynamic memory allocation (e.g., using pointers). Without a deep copy, two objects might share the same memory space, leading to problems like data corruption, unexpected behavior, or crashes.

For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>  // Needed for string handling functions
using namespace std;

class Book {
    char* title;  // Pointer to hold the title of the book

    // Parameterized constructor
    Book(const char* bookTitle) {
        // Allocate memory for the title and copy the book title into it
        title = new char[strlen(bookTitle) + 1];
        strcpy(title, bookTitle);

    // Deep copy constructor
    Book(const Book& other) {
        // Allocate new memory for the title in the new object
        title = new char[strlen(other.title) + 1];
        // Copy the title from the other object to this object
        strcpy(title, other.title);
    // Method to display the book title
    void display() const {
        cout << "Book Title: " << title << endl;

int main() {
    // Create a Book object with the title "The Great Gatsby"
    Book book1("The Great Gatsby");

    // Use the deep copy constructor to create another Book object
    Book book2 = book1;

    // Display the titles of both books
    cout << "Original Book: ";

    cout << "Copied Book (Deep Copy): ";

    return 0;


Original Book: Book Title: The Great Gatsby
Copied Book (Deep Copy): Book Title: The Great Gatsby

Step 1: Parameterized Constructor:

Book(const char* bookTitle) {
    title = new char[strlen(bookTitle) + 1];
    strcpy(title, bookTitle);
  • The constructor allocates memory for the title based on the length of bookTitle.
  • It then copies the content of bookTitle into the newly allocated memory.

Step 2: Deep Copy Constructor:

Book(const Book& other) {
    title = new char[strlen(other.title) + 1];
    strcpy(title, other.title);
  • The deep copy constructor is invoked when a new Book object is created as a copy of an existing object.
  • It allocates new memory for the title and copies the content from the other object’s title to ensure both objects have independent copies of the title.

Step 3: Main Function:

int main() {
    Book book1("The Great Gatsby");
    Book book2 = book1;
    cout << "Original Book: ";
    cout << "Copied Book (Deep Copy): ";
    return 0;
  • In main(), we create a Book object book1 with the title “The Great Gatsby”.
  • We then create another Book object book2 by copying book1.
  • The deep copy constructor ensures that book2 has its own independent copy of the title.
  • Finally, we display the titles of both books.

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