esp32 ESP-MESH

ESP-MESH with ESP32 and ESP8266:

Let’s learn about ESP-MESH, a cool networking trick for ESP32 and ESP8266 boards. With ESP-MESH, you can make a bunch of devices (we call them nodes) talk to each other on one Wi-Fi network. It’s like having a secret language just for your gadgets! In this guide, we’ll teach you how to start using ESP-MESH with the Arduino core.


ESP-MESH is like a special team-building exercise for your Wi-Fi gadgets, designed by Espressif. It lets lots of devices (we call them “nodes”) scattered around a big area, like your home or even outside, all connect to one Wi-Fi network.

The cool part? ESP-MESH is super smart. It sets itself up and even fixes any problems that pop up, all on its own. It’s like having a bunch of little helpers who know exactly what to do!

Traditional Wi-Fi Network Architecture

In a regular Wi-Fi setup, you have one main hub (the router) that talks to all the other devices (like your phone or computer). But there’s a catch – they all have to be close enough to hear the router’s signal. If they’re too far away, they can’t connect directly.

But with ESP-MESH, it’s a whole different story! Instead of relying on one central hub, all the devices work together like a team. They can chat and share info no matter how far apart they are, thanks to this clever system. It’s like having a secret code that lets them talk to each other from anywhere!

ESP-MESH Network Architecture

With ESP-MESH, there’s no need for all the devices to connect to one main device. Instead, they work together like a big team, passing messages to each other as needed. This means you can spread your devices out over a wide area without worrying about them losing connection.

Each device can talk to its neighbors to make sure messages get where they need to go. And if one device is taken out of the network, the others can figure out a new way to keep the messages flowing. It’s like having a group of friends who always find a way to stay in touch!

painlessMesh Library

The painlessMesh library simplifies the creation of mesh networks using ESP8266 or ESP32 boards. painlessMesh forms a genuine ad-hoc network, meaning you don’t need to plan or set up a central controller or router. Any configuration of one or more nodes will automatically organize into a fully functional mesh. The maximum size of the mesh is determined by the amount of memory in the heap that can be allocated to the sub-connections buffer, which should be quite high. For more information, you can visit the painlessMesh library here.

Installing painless Libray

To install the painlessMesh library, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Arduino IDE.
  2. Go to the menu bar and click on “Tools”.
  3. Select “Manage Libraries…”.
  4. The Library Manager window will open.
  5. In the search bar at the top right, type “painlessmesh”.
  6. Look for the painlessMesh library in the search results.
  7. Click on the library and select the latest version available.
  8. Click the “Install” button to install the library.
  9. Once installation is complete, you can close the Library Manager window.

Now you have successfully installed the painlessMesh library, and you’re ready to use it in your Arduino projects!

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