ESP32 LoRa

In this tutorial, we will delve into the fundamental principles of LoRa and its application with the ESP32 in IoT projects using the Arduino IDE.

Introducing to LoRa

LoRa is a wireless way for gadgets to share information. It’s like a special language they use, and this language is made possible by special Semtech LoRa chips. With LoRa, these devices can talk to each other from far away, even if they’re only sharing a little bit of information. It’s good at avoiding interruptions and uses very little power, making it great for talking over long distances without draining batteries quickly.

LoRa Frequencies

LoRa operates on frequencies that don’t require a license and are accessible globally. The main frequencies used are:

  • 868 MHz for Europe
  • 915 MHz for North America
  • 433 MHz for Asia

Since these frequencies are unlicensed, anyone can use them freely without needing to pay or obtain a license.


LoRa’s extended range and energy-efficient characteristics make it an excellent fit for battery-operated sensors and low-power applications in various domains such as:

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Smart home technology
  • Machine-to-machine communication

LoRa is particularly well-suited for sensor nodes that run on coin cell batteries or solar power, transmitting small amounts of data reliably


It’s important to note that LoRa may not be the best choice for projects that:

  • Demand high-speed data transmission;
  • Require very frequent communication;
  • Operate in densely populated networks.

LoRa Topologies

LoRa can be utilized in two main topologies:

Point-to-Point Communication:

In point-to-point communication, two devices equipped with LoRa capability communicate directly with each other using radio frequency (RF) signals. For instance, this setup is beneficial for exchanging data between two ESP32 boards, each equipped with LoRa transceiver chips, especially when they are positioned at a considerable distance from each other or in areas lacking Wi-Fi coverage.

Unlike Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, which are suitable for short-distance communication, two LoRa-enabled devices equipped with proper antennas can reliably exchange data over long distances. With a configured ESP32 and LoRa chip, you can achieve robust data transmission and reception at distances exceeding 200 meters, and even greater distances depending on environmental factors and LoRa settings. Some LoRa solutions can easily cover ranges surpassing 30 kilometers.


LoRaWAN allows you to construct a network based on LoRa technology. The LoRaWAN protocol, developed by the LoRa Alliance, is a standardized specification for a Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN).

LoRa in home automation projects

In your home automation projects, LoRa can prove valuable in practical scenarios. Consider a situation where you wish to monitor the moisture level in a nearby field, which lacks Wi-Fi coverage despite its proximity to your home. In this case, you can create a sensor node equipped with an ESP32 and a moisture sensor. This node periodically transmits moisture readings, once or twice a day, to another ESP32 using LoRa.

The second ESP32, located within Wi-Fi coverage, can then operate a web server to showcase the received moisture readings. This way, you leverage LoRa’s ability to transmit data over longer distances, even in areas without Wi-Fi connectivity, to enhance your home automation capabilities.

Installing the LoRa library

To set up the capability to send and receive LoRa packets with the ESP32, you can choose from various libraries. For this instance, we will use the arduino-LoRa library developed by Sandeep Mistry.

Follow these steps:

  1. Launch your Arduino IDE.
  2. Navigate to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.
  3. In the Library Manager, search for “LoRa.”
  4. Choose the LoRa library displayed in the results.
  5. Install the selected LoRa library.

These steps will enable you to easily integrate the necessary LoRa functionality into your ESP32 project.


  1. Remote Environmental Monitoring:
    • Application: Used in agriculture to monitor soil moisture, temperature, and humidity across large fields.
    • Benefit: Enables data-driven irrigation, improving crop yields and conserving water.
  2. Smart City Infrastructure:
    • Application: Powers smart street lighting and waste management systems that adjust operations based on real-time data.
    • Benefit: Enhances energy efficiency, reduces costs, and optimizes urban services.
  3. Wildlife Tracking and Conservation:
    • Application: Tracks animal movements and behaviors with low-power devices, transmitting data over long distances.
    • Benefit: Aids in wildlife research and conservation efforts with minimal human interference.

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