If & else Statement

What you will Learn

In this tutorial, you will learn about the if and else statement in C programming with the help of examples.


The syntax of if else statement in C Programming looks like

    // Run this code if the statement is true
    // Run this code if the statement is false

Lets see the example:-

// Check whether someone is eligible for voting or not

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int age;
    printf("Enter your Age: ");
    scanf("%d", &age);

    // If your age is or greater than 18, you eligible for voting
    if  (age >= 18) {
        printf("since your age is %d, you are eligible for voting", age);
    else {
        printf("Oops sorry! your age is %d less than the require age", 18-age);

    return 0;

C if & else Ladder

The if & else statement executes two different codes depending upon whether the test expression is true or false. Sometimes, a choice has to be made from more than 2 possibilities.

The if & else ladder allows you to check between multiple test expressions and execute different statements.

Syntax of if & else Ladder

if (statement) {
   // code to execute
else if(statement) {
   // code to execute
else if (statement) {
   // code to execute
else {
   // code to execute

Example : if & else Ladder

// school grading according to marks got by any student

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int marks;
    printf("Enter your marks out of 100 ");
    scanf("%d", &marks);

    //check if the marks between 0 and 33
    if(marks >= 0 && marks < 33) {
        printf("You got grade 'D', Don't worry Work hard");

    //check if the marks between33 and 50
    else if (marks >=33 && marks < 50) {
        printf("You got grade 'C', Work Hard");

    //check if the marks between 50 and 75
    else if (marks >=50 && marks < 75) {
        printf("You got grade 'B', Need to Improve");

    //check if the marks between 75 and 100
    else if (marks >=75 && marks <= 100) {
        printf("You got grade 'A', Excellent Performance");
    else {
        printf("You Have entered incorrect number");

    return 0;

Nested if & else

In some situation we need to add if & else inside the body of another if & else statement

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