
What is C++ ?

C++ is a versatile programming language designed by Bjarne Stroustrup, building upon the foundation of C with added features for enhanced performance and portability across different platforms. It offers programmers significant control over system resources and memory management. Notably, it has undergone major updates in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020, known respectively as C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++20.

Why use it ?

There are several compelling reasons to opt for C++ in your programming endeavors:

  1. Ubiquitous Popularity: C++ stands as one of the most widely-used programming languages globally.
  2. Versatility Across Systems: Whether it’s operating systems, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), or embedded systems, C++ finds its application in a myriad of modern technologies.
  3. Structured and Reusable Code: As an object-oriented language, C++ offers a structured approach to programming, facilitating code organization and reuse, which ultimately reduces development overheads.
  4. Portability: With C++, you can develop applications that seamlessly adapt to various platforms, making it an ideal choice for cross-platform development.
  5. Enjoyable Learning Experience: Many programmers find C++ to be both enjoyable and accessible to learn, thanks to its intuitive syntax and abundant learning resources.
  6. Smooth Transition: Given its close relationship with C, C#, and Java, transitioning to or from C++ is relatively straightforward for programmers, offering flexibility in language choice.

Difference between C and C++

C++ was developed as an extension of C, and both languages have almost the same syntax.

The main difference between C and C++ is that C++ support classes and objects, while C does not

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